2024春季杂志 创意艺术得分



Imagine participating in a dance and witnessing the moment Romeo and Juliet first meet. 这一幕是《ag娱乐官网》的开场,约翰·布朗德尔的戏剧, 韦斯特蒙长期的戏剧艺术教授, 谁把自己的当代, 专门针对莎士比亚的《ag娱乐官网》.”

为了我们的生产, 观众在凯普莱特家的房子之间来回走动, Friar Laurence’s cell and the street — to involve them directly in the action and to bring them close to the unfolding love story between the two young people and how it affects those around them,” Blondell said about the performances staged at the downtown Santa Barbara Community Arts Workshop in March.

He cut and refashioned Shakespeare’s play with a contemporary lens and modern staging. He brought audiences into the beating heart of the play to enter a tomb and experience a street brawl. 以前, Blondell staged the award-winning “King Richard II” at Santa Barbara’s Trinity Episcopal Church and later in a derelict cathedral in Gdansk; a Macedonian novel in a small village; and a pop chamber musical created for an abandoned discotheque in Poland.

“In each case, the site fused with the material in unforgettable ways,” Blondell says. “观众沉浸其中,参与其中.”



Saint Clare of Assisi spoke like a modern Beverly Hills teenager in the theater’s reimagining of the 13th century life of Chiara Offreducio in “Poor Clare” in December. “这很有趣, 与我们的ag娱乐官网相关,导演玛德琳·方顿说, 在韦斯特蒙特大学居住的艺术家学者. “The play asks us to consider our own privilege and how to use the blessings we’ve been given to help those in need around us.”

Through Saint Clare’s encounters with the man who becomes Saint Francis and with the 首页less in her community, 克莱尔的知识和同情心都在增长, 最终,她放弃了家庭和财富,谦卑地生活.

Fanton希望Chiara Atik的获奖剧本能让人大开眼界, 像克莱尔的, 因此,我们不能再忽视我们中间那些需要帮助的人. “Maybe Clare’s willingness to sacrifice everything will give us the courage to at least sacrifice something,方顿说。, who is finishing her doctorate in theater and performance studies at UC Santa Barbara.

Godspell for 创意艺术得分杂志春季2024


导演米切尔·托马斯, 演员, musicians and creative team put together a wonderfully successful “Godspell” in October. Audiences in five sold-out shows appreciated the enthusiasm and energy emanating from the tight-knit group of actors. 韦斯特蒙特大学的音乐和戏剧专业的学生共同参与了演出.

《ag娱乐官网》的玛吉·耶茨说, “Westmont’s show has a wonderful quality of authenticity and magic as we witness regular people transformed into jubilant beings basking in divine light.”

Thomas created a chamber musical with a smaller cast replete with strong roles for theater and music students. “能参与《ag娱乐官网》的创作是我的荣幸,它是一首很棒的音乐, 精彩的角色和深刻而有趣的故事,托马斯说. 露丝林, 韦斯特蒙特音乐总监, 监督“Godspell”四人乐队, 克里斯蒂娜·拉姆齐则担任主唱.

“《ag娱乐官网》的目的是展示如何需要深思熟虑, 优雅而凌乱的ag娱乐官网追求和平, 上帝邀请我们去培养的爱和正义,09年的剧作家戴安娜·斯莫尔(Diana Small)说.



韦斯特蒙特管弦乐团和学院合唱团将于5月联合巡演. 从洛杉矶到北加州, about 120 students will perform scenes from “Elijah” by Felix Mendelssohn as well as other pieces.

“这是一项艰巨的任务,将展示韦斯特蒙音乐的广度,13岁的丹尼尔·吉说, 音乐助理教授兼合唱活动总监. “It’s good for musicians as choir and orchestra members will get to know each other better. 他们会发展新的技能,在音乐上互相磨砺.”

Students will present concerts at various churches and develop community with these congregations. 他们也会在基督教学校表演. 停靠地点包括索尔旺、斯托克顿、湾区和格林纳达山. 在韦斯特蒙特查看完整的行程.edu/concerts.


The stars shined at the Orchestra Concerto Concert that featured the winners of the concerto/aria competition, 内森·卡林, 卡拉穆尼奥斯, Tasha Loh和Leah Nieman, 在2月份.

这场音乐会的主题曲是《ag娱乐官网》!出自亨德尔的《ag娱乐官网》,” featuring baritone Carlin; the third movement, ”隆多,出自F大调大管协奏曲, op. 75, 卡尔·玛丽亚·冯·韦伯, featuring Loh on bassoon; Concertino for Clarinet and Orchestra by Ferruccio Busoni, featuring Munoz on clarinet; and the allegro moderato movement of Violin Concerto no. 2, op. 亨利克·维尼亚夫斯基的《ag娱乐官网》,由尼曼演奏小提琴.



A double feature operatic performance opened the spring concert season with productions of Gian Carlo Menotti’s “The Telephone” and Douglas Moore’s “Gallantry” in January.

“These musically challenging and more modern shows expose our students to a different type of singing, 表演和舞台动作,克里斯蒂娜·法里斯·詹森(Christina Farris Jensen)说, 舞台剧导演. “The Telephone” tells the story of repeated interruptions to an attempted marriage proposal, 《ag娱乐官网》模仿了以手术室为背景的电视肥皂剧.

“The students worked hard and did a wonderful job bringing out the comedy and the drama of these two operas in the modern context of our interactions with technology and how they may have quietly but indisputably taken over our lives,露丝·林说, 歌剧的音乐总监. “这些精彩的作品并不广为人知,也没有被演出, but should be because they’re musically well written for both vocalists and instrumentalists and full of dramatic possibilities.”


The 19th annual Westmont Christmas Festival sold out two performances of “The Fullness of Joy” at the Granada Theatre in December.

近二十年来, 节日活动, 由韦斯特蒙特管弦乐团演奏, 学院合唱团和室内乐歌手, 加深了对这个神圣季节的理解吗.

露丝林, 谁是学院音乐系的系主任, 指挥韦斯特蒙特管弦乐团, 13岁的丹尼尔·吉(Daniel Gee)领导了韦斯特蒙特学院合唱团和室内乐歌手. Paul Mori ’77, conductor of the Santa Barbara Prime Time Band, led the congregational hymns.



The Westmont Ridley-Tree艺术博物馆 displayed the late Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree’s entire collection of Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot January through March. “Camille Corot to Orthodox Icons: Lady Leslie Ridley- Tree’s Gifts to the Collection” included seven Barbizon artworks she also donated by. 艺术家包括查尔斯·弗朗索瓦·多比尼, 纳西斯·维吉利奥Díaz de la Peña, 西奥多·卢梭, 朱尔斯·杜普雷和希波利特·卡米尔·德尔皮. The exhibition also featured Bo Bartlett’s portrait of Leslie and her husband, Lord Paul Ridley-Tree.

朱迪L. 拉森, 艺术史教授兼博物馆馆长, 说这次展览是为了向莱斯利致敬, 2022年10月去世,享年98岁. 当莱斯利和保罗参观圣. 彼得堡的冬宫博物馆, she was fatigued and asked to sit in a gallery hung salon-style with Corot’s paintings,拉尔森说. “她一直很喜欢这位艺术家. Paul suggested that they collect his landscapes, and Leslie said: ‘My strategy worked!’”

Ridley-Tree还收集了正统的圣像, 挂在一个小, 宝蓝色房间, 她每天冥想的地方. “Leslie was a deeply spiritual woman; her collection of icons was well-loved,拉尔森说. “The museum displayed them in a small room painted bright blue to evoke her personal prayer room.”



683件小物件的展览和拍卖成功筹集了超过41美元,去年12月,他在韦斯特蒙特·雷德利-特里艺术博物馆(Westmont Ridley-Tree艺术博物馆)获得了5000美元的奖金. The “5x5: Westmont College Celebrating 85 Years” fundraiser sold 617 unique art pieces. 一直是博物馆里最受欢迎的展览之一, 展览的特色是小型的, 5平方英寸按地区划分, 国内和国际艺术家可通过无声购买, 在线拍卖.

Chris Rupp started the 5x5 exhibition in 2011 as a friend-raiser and fundraiser held every three to five years. “It’s a great opportunity to see the creativity of hundreds of artists from across the country all in the gallery at once,他说. “这是一场视觉盛宴!”



著名的圣巴巴拉艺术家琳达·埃克斯特罗姆提供了广泛的诗意, 富有想象力和精神的变形织物作品, 纸, 去年秋天在博物馆的一次展览中展出的书籍和手套. “横跨周长...“琳达·埃克斯特罗姆的艺术”展出了她最近的作品和一个回顾展.

埃克斯特罗姆创作的超然艺术作品常常受到女性诗人话语的启发, 神秘主义者, 圣经中的圣徒和女人,朱迪·拉尔森说. “埃克斯特罗姆的艺术中始终存在着她的智慧和精神洞察力.”

这位艺术家把《ag娱乐官网》放进蜂箱里, preserves objects in jars and shapes the words of poets and writers into imaginative “new-reads,"借鉴她作为女人的经验, 作为一名艺术家, 作为一名天主教徒.”